It was pretty interesting for us because Scott was just going through a break-up and I was in a long-term relationship, so we each brought a totally opposite perspective, living it and not living it, and I think that tension helped to bring out more of the comedy". Weber also stated that, "we've all been in the trenches of love, we've all gone through the highs and lows, so Scott and I felt that the only way to tell this story was to come at it from a completely real place. When Neustadter later showed the script to Summer's real life counterpart, she said she related more to the Tom character. Like i really felt all his same emotions.This was not a holiday type of movie.Instagram: BillyYouSoCrazyTwitter: BillyYouSoC. Neustadter explains that when he met the real girl who inspired the character Summer as a student at the London School of Economics in 2002, he was rebounding from a bad breakup back home, and promptly fell "crazily, madly, hopelessly in love" with the girl who "returned his kisses but not his ardor." The ending of the relationship was "painfully and unforgettably awful," which prompted him to co-write the film with Michael H. Co-writer of the film Scott Neustadter admitted the film was based on a real romance. Each scene is introduced using a title card showing which of the 500 days it is. The film is presented as a non-linear narrative.