Yet the two hours we spent immersed in Niels and Margrethe Bohr’s living room drew our attention to numerous issues surrounding WMD (non)proliferation and emphasized the relevance of nuclear weapons concerns today.Ĭopenhagen centers around the 1941 visit of German nuclear physicist Werner Heisenberg to his former colleague, Niels Bohr. We’re both young professionals working more on conventional weapons issues–from examining the global arms trade to analyzing defense acquisition processes and technological advancements. Rather, our recollection and understanding of World War II and the race to the atomic bomb is, shall we say, rusty. Before going any further, perhaps we should start with some personal background (and humility). On a calm and cool January evening, we found ourselves attending a stimulating showing of Michael Frayn’s 1998 Tony award-winning play, Copenhagen, at Theater J in Washington D.C.